What Causes Neuropathy in Feet? Key Factors Explained

What Causes Neuropathy in Feet? Key Factors Explained

Posted by EcoSox on Feb 28th 2024

Are you always glued to your chair, whether for work or leisure? You might want to stand up for this. Research from Loma Linda University Health says prolonged sitting can lead to nerve damage. Unfortunately, this is one of the key players in "what causes neuropathy in feet."

If you need help, we’re here to explain to you what causes this condition and what should be done to prevent neuropathy in your feet.

What Is Neuropathy in Feet & Signs To Look For

Neuropathy in feet is when nerves in your feet get damaged. This damage can cause feelings of pain, numbness, or weakness. Here's how you can tell if you might have neuropathy in your feet:

  • Tingling Sensations: It might feel like your feet are tingling or have pins and needles.
  • Numbness: Sometimes, you might not feel anything at all, like your feet aren't even there.
  • Pain: This can range from a mild ache to sharp, severe pains that bother you more at night.
  • Weakness: Your feet might feel weak, making it hard to walk or balance.
  • Sensitivity: Your feet could become super sensitive. Even a light touch could feel uncomfortable or painful.

These signs are your body's way of telling you something is wrong with the nerves in your feet. If you notice these symptoms, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor.

What Causes Neuropathy in Feet?

Wondering “what causes neuropathy in feet?” Let's break it down, and help you prevent having this condition.


Diabetes is a leading cause of neuropathy in feet. High blood sugar levels, a hallmark of diabetes, can harm your nerves over time. This type of nerve damage is known as diabetic neuropathy. Managing your blood sugar through diet, exercise, and medication is crucial to preventing or slowing down neuropathy.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Your nerves need certain vitamins to function correctly, like B vitamins (B1, B6, B12), vitamin E, and niacin. Not getting enough of these vitamins through your diet can lead to nerve damage and neuropathy. Eating a balanced diet rich in these nutrients can help maintain nerve health.


Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to poor nutrition and vitamin deficiencies, directly impacting nerve health and leading to neuropathy. Alcohol itself can also directly harm nerves, making moderation key to preventing neuropathy.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases, where the body's immune system attacks its tissues, can also cause neuropathy. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Sjögren's syndrome are known to affect nerves and may lead to neuropathy in the feet.


Certain infections can attack the nerves, leading to neuropathy. Viruses like herpes simplex, HIV, and Lyme disease, caused by tick bites, can all contribute to nerve damage in the feet.


Chemotherapy, used to treat cancer, can sometimes damage nerves, leading to chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. This type of neuropathy can affect the feet, causing pain, numbness, and tingling sensations.

Physical Injury or Pressure

Physical injuries, such as fractures or compression of the nerves (from habits like crossing legs for too long), can lead to neuropathy. These injuries can interrupt the normal function of the nerves in the feet, causing symptoms of neuropathy.

Inherited Disorders

In some cases, neuropathy in the feet is caused by genetic conditions. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is an example of an inherited disorder that affects the peripheral nerves, including those in the feet.

Unknown Causes

Sometimes, despite thorough testing, the exact cause of neuropathy in the feet remains unknown. This is referred to as idiopathic neuropathy. Although the cause is not identified, treatment focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life.

Is There a Test for Neuropathy in Feet?

Yes, there are tests for neuropathy in the feet. If you're experiencing symptoms like pain, numbness, or tingling, medical professionals can use several methods to check for nerve damage. Here's how they do it:

Physical Exam

First, your doctor will look at your feet and legs. They'll check for any signs of neuropathy, such as changes in skin color, muscle weakness, or decreased reflexes. They might also touch your feet with a special instrument to see how well you can feel it.

Nerve Function Tests

One common test is called an electromyogram (EMG), which measures the electrical activity in your muscles. It helps to see if your nerves are working correctly. Another test called a nerve conduction study, checks how fast and well your nerves send signals.

Blood Tests

Blood tests can help find the cause of your neuropathy. They can show if you have diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, or signs of kidney issues, all of which can lead to neuropathy.

Additional Tests

Sometimes, doctors may suggest other tests like MRIs or nerve biopsies to get a closer look at your peripheral nervous system or to rule out other conditions.

These tests can help your doctor understand if you have neuropathy in your feet and what might be causing it. From there, they can work with you to find the best way to manage your symptoms and keep your feet healthy.

Bamboo Viscose Compression Socks: Your Solution for Healthy Feet

If you're dealing with symptoms that make you wonder, "What causes neuropathy in feet?" or you're concerned about developing such conditions in the future, EcoSox has the answer you've been searching for.

Our bamboo compression socks are not just any socks; they're a step towards healthier, happier feet.

EcoSox's bamboo compression socks are designed with your comfort and health in mind. The mild graduated compression is perfect for combating leg fatigue swelling and for promoting better circulation — essential for anyone concerned about neuropathy or other foot-related issues.

Why Choose EcoSox's Bamboo Compression Socks?

  • Eco-Friendly Materials: Made from sustainable bamboo viscose, our socks are gentle on the environment and your skin.
  • Mild Compression: Ideal for improving circulation and reducing swelling, especially for those who stand or sit for extended periods.
  • Moisture-Wicking: Stay dry and free from blisters with the natural properties of bamboo viscose.
  • All-Day Comfort: Soft, cushioned, and with a seamless toe design, our socks are made for comfort without compromising on support.

Don't let the question of "what causes neuropathy in feet?" linger without taking action. Experience the difference of EcoSox today — your feet will thank you for it.