The Top Rated Dad Jokes About Bamboo Socks
Posted by Dad on Jun 11th 2023
Bamboo Socks for Men
We've got the top-rated dad jokes about socks on this side of the internet. Again, we give the "guy nod" to all the great dads this Father's Day for being the go-to for setting footwear trends. And nothing goes better with that footwear than bamboo socks from EcoSox. So grab a new pair of low-cut ankle socks and thank him for being a great dad.
My dad complained he'd lost a sock.
I said, "That's a sockrifice you have to make".
Which philosophers were obsessed with their feet?
Sock-rates or Pla-toe.
What do you get if you give a bunny a pair of socks?
A sock hop.
What did one sock say to the other sock before entering the washing machine?
"One of us isn't coming back."
My socks got ripped when they started going to the gym.
When I found the missing sock, I felt like I was reuniting lost soles.
What did the glove say to the sock?
"You look like you could use a hand."
What must you do to create a new type of sock?
Create a pro-toe-type.
What do you call a person who wears unique socks?
A sock-star.